I miss my beloved brother Stanley "Tookie" Williams deeply, and his love is forever alive within me. As not a day goes by that his inspiring voice doesn't beautifully fill my mind, and soul. His love has always been wonderful, and a perfect love to me, as I have always been moved by his selflessness, and motivated by his charity.
He never asked much of me. Just to keep up the good work to help others as he has taught me; and upon his last days with us, he only asked that his work be continued, and to remember him for his Redemption. Both of which I behold and honor, as I will be reaching out to help and encourage the children of the world that I know, and those I have access to.
But I know I can do more, and that is why I'm writing you "The People of The World" today. I have read all of my brother's (Stanley Tookie Williams) books before they ever made it to the printers. I have spent the last 18 years of my life on California's Death Row learning from him personally, and working by his side to help stop the violence, gangs, senseless crime, and to encourage kids to do well by staying in school, and not getting into gangs, drugs, disrespecting others and self, and crime. But rather education to enriching their growing minds.
I have helped to save some from continuing down the wrong path of self-destruction, and who have gone on to earn high school diplomas, and college degrees. I enjoy receiving copies of diplomas from those youth I have helped. Even then I still encourage all to stay in school, as education opens doors to good opportunities.
But the work with them doesn't stop or end at that point, as the trials of adulthood life begin. Like parents, we have to be there for our young to continue to guide until they can pass on what we teach them. That is our obligation to the human race, and for anyone who is a mature man or woman this should come as first nature with the flow of nature. Therefore, I say, there is nothing that anyone does new under the sun, and what our children don't know has to come from us mature men and women.
As all the work of my wonderful brother Stanley "Tookie" Williams is great indeed, he said it often, "That it is only by the will of God Almighty". It is all about God's Love here, as that is what works for our children, who know and understand this pure love that is the purpose of life.
The peace, love, and harmony of my beloved brother lives on inside of me, and to honor his request to continue his great work, and remember him for his Redemption comes naturally for me. As his love is so profound within me, I can't keep it all to myself. I love working with our youth, and I have the time to help, and I want to help all that I can, as we all have to work together and lend a helping hand.
So let's love one another, and work together to continue my brother's great work to help save our beautiful children of the world who need all our love.
If you are a parent, brother, sister, family member, teacher, counselor, principal, institution or organization leader of youth, who need help with positive encouragement that I freely give from the heart and soul to bring about Peace, Love, and Harmony for all, write to me.
And to the youth who are reading this message. If you are a youth or young person who is having a problem or a hard time dealing with something or just need someone to talk to and get some positive encouragement. You can write me and I will do all I can to help you to the best of my ability. I welcome all your letters and encourage you to write me at anytime. As writing is a beautiful forum of communication, and communication is one of the great keys of life. My wonderful brother often told me, he said, "The more you write the better you will get at it". And a pocket size dictionary I recommend that you should get one, and keep it within your reach at all times. This will help to make writing more easier for you. It has worked for me, and I know it will work for you. Just try it and see, and study vocabulary. Who knows, you just might come to learn you have a talent to become a writer or poet.
In Loving Memory Of My Wonderful Brother Stanley "Tookie" Williams (1953-2005) Rest In Peace!
Please feel free to write me at this time at the address below:
Written By:
Dennis "Muata" Mayfield Brewer AKA (Herk)
Mr. Dennis "Muata" Mayfield Brewer
P.O.,Box C-93626, 3-EB-94
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, Ca. 91974